Tarantool data structures
How Tarantool works with memory
Engineering principles of Tarantool
Design principles of Tarantool
Started using Jekyll
How to debug a segmentation fault inside a large C #define?
Concurrent programming is difficult
pthread_self() is stable across fork, well, for the main thread
inotify_add_watch()/inotify_rm_watch() perofrmance
Adding colors to Tarantool test-run
The video from NoSQL matters about Tarantool
Performance of stdarg.h
Launchpad bug tracker
New algorithm for taking snapshot in Tarantool
Relevance of regression test failures on exotic platforms
Notes from a test plan
Evaluating a MySQL database connector
Importance of intra-query parallelism.
Draft spec for automatic sharding and Tarantool/Proxy
Socket I/O in a stored procedure
Why Objective C?
Tarantool on_connect/on_disconnect triggers.
Multiple user level locks per connection in MySQL 5.7
Your lost Wallet is at Frontier Airlines
Cities and attitudes
Ropes and AVL trees
Upcoming talks about Tarantool/Box
Discovery of the year
Videos of recent talks
An old way of sandboxing MySQL
Debian repository with Tarantool packages
Speak at NoSQL matters 2012 in Cologne, 29-30 May 2012
What's new in Tarantool 1.4.5
Cost of a syscall
Increasingly dissatisfied with Google Search
munmap() performance on Linux
Need help of MySQL experts (no kidding)
Garbage collection and CPU cache
A new look of
Time to sort two million 8-byte records vs. two million 40-byte records
Support case of the day
Tarantool mailing lists
Buildbot rant
Unity day
Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot on Sony VAIO VPC Z21X9R
A first principle of construction
Implementing auto_increment using Lua stored procedures (Tarantool)
Tarantool/Box is part of listing
NoSQL approach to SQL information_schema
PHP driver is in the master
Tarantool 1.4.2, implementing a persistent FIFO buffer
Tarantool, yet another 1.4 feature made it into 'master' branch
What's new in Tarantool this week
I wonder if a human has a limited supply of stuff he can write or say...
Upcoming speaking gigs
I'm not sure if it's safe to say that...
Presentation notes metadata locking in MySQL 5.5.
Metadata locking in MySQL 5.5 -- MySQL Users Conference 2011 presentation
Open standards in practice
Looking for people to join Tarantool development team -- Russian job search sites need some love
MySQL 5.5 innodb_buffer_pool_instances should be set automatically
Somewhat "advanced" tagging with git
Getting a release out
Now using CMake
Automation of functional testing of a key/value storage
Functional testing of Tarantool
Bringing RDBMS testing methods to a key/value storage project
Python 'socket' module
Setting up POSTFIX's sender_dependent_relayhost_maps
Python parsing
Metacity vs. IceWM
Speaking at O'Reilly MySQL Conference!
git vimdiff
Speak at Highload++ conference
Fixing all the bugs (psychic effects of being part of the bug triage)
A better MySQL CHECKSUM TABLE, fixing Bug#39474
Announcing MySQL User Group meeting in Moscow
Blogging is a marketing instrument
How on earth is it possible to accept this?
RDBMS software is difficult
Bug#989 is in. Again.
Bukowsky, "Post office"
Query cache = useless?
Bug#8523, MySQL users
Working in Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
SHOW CREATE TRIGGGER, Bug#26141, Bug#24989
CREATE TABLE t1 may fire an AFTER DELETE trigger on table t2
MySQL Query cache is slow to the point of being unusable
My top 5 MySQL wishes
On infninite usefulness of DELETE FROM t1 ORDER BY 1
Frustration over MySQL use of C++
Hypocrisy of American English
Impressions from LinuxFest NorthWest
Life in Google for an outsider
Prepared statements work with the query cache in MySQL 5.1
Thoughts on MySQL roadmap
Why open source is second best after sliced bread
Impressions from Stockholm
The thin line between useful and useless regression tests
The Elephant in the Village of the Blind
How to not screw up work/life balance
Fascinated by Madonna lyrics - Jump
Decline and fall of programming idealism.
Creating a new Google - a distributed one
MySQL syntax highlighting in Vim
utf8 support in MySQL rocks ;)
Why active listening fails
Trying to conserve the sunshine of Crimea
The Zen of Programming
Ubuntu Dapper Drake is up and running
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Why I'm about to give up using SuSE 10
What 'borked' means in hacker's jargon
Grady Booch on Delivery of Microsoft Vista
Boosting English by reading automatically generated complaints
Counting prepared statements in MySQL 4.1
10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint by Guy Kawasaki
Corporate Databases 2006
Adam Bosworth's six Fs
The principle of cautious design
Encapsulation in C++: public members vs. getters
Italian visas mess
Reading on Computers
Gwain's blog
Brilliant, you loser
The case of a color-blind painter.
MySQL Users Conference 2006
The next DevCon is in Sorrento
Why scientists understand the Universe better than popes
On Christopher Alexander's book, "Notes on the synthesis of form"
Reading P. G. Wodehouse, The World Of Jeeves
SuSE 10 and en_US.UTF-8
Reading on English grammar
Chicago Downtown
Lehman laws of software engineering
Adding plugins to the server
What makes a company an "animal farm"?
Why booking airline tickets is always so painful?
- is growing nicely
Us and RedHat
MySQL Users Conference 2005
People are strange, when you're a stranger
Setting up vim to work with exuberant ctags
Everyone wants full monty
Word of the day
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